Tuesday, April 26, 2011

movie idea

man marries a royalty but she is simple but brilliant and changes him

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Am I something, do I matter?

Am I something, do I matter?

I cleaned shit from the tiles in the bathroom,
I cleaned pubic hairs from the toilet seats in our home;
I cleaned pots and trays with leftover grease deposited from a previous nights baked dinner;
Am I something, do I matter?

I made a hot breakfast for a teen boy who is addicted to the internet;
I offered breakfast to my teen girl;
I make lunches for my kids before school;
I shop for food for those lunches and breakfasts;
Am I something, do I matter?

Yesterday, my daughter told me "fuck off" under her breath;
Today my wife told me "she didn't care" what I thought about how to raise our son;
Today my other daughter told me "You are useless";

I live in a world where the good that I do doesn't get credited,
but when I do something to disappoint, I am reminded of my shortcomings quickly and directly;

What is it all for?
Why do I try to give my kids the best I can?
Because I love them and want them to have the best I can give them.
But if what I can offer is not enough, then I am told "you are not wanted around"

I feel like an idiot and a fool because when my kids ask me for something, I can't say "no";
But when I do not meet their expectations, they say harsh and mean things to me that I never would say to my parents;

My wife says she hates my parents because of how they raised me;
I don't hate my parents, but she does;
I don't think my saying hurtful things about my parents matters to her;
I don't think saying hurtful things to me matters to her;
somehow saying hurtful things to me, works for her, it somehow makes her feel rejuvenated or energized.  I don't know why else she would say it.

I think when people are young, they say anything that enters their minds and they don't hold themselves responsible for the consequences;
It is a sign of the lack of maturity of youth;
Because in reality, the things we say and do in life all carry consequences - it's just that some young people are relieved of their responsibilities and consequences...
After all, if your words don't cause bleeding or a car wreck or some other physical form of damage
How much damage could I have created?

When you grow older, someone is going to say something to you that is going to absolutely cut you to pieces and it will only be words;
Only then when you realise the hurt you might be causing me with your obvious disgust in me;

You are all disgusted because I don't work in a job right now;
Denise has told me how Jackson hates me;

So what do I have here at 15 Lindsay street?
Shall I continue to shop and cook and wash and clean and mow lawns and pick up dog shit?
What for?
What my kids think of me is my most valuable possession in life;
And they don't think much.

I keep getting this feeling that I've outlived my usefulness;
In the beginning, I was necessary to help create the kids and qualify for the houseloan;
But today, Denise has got a solid career and good communications with her kids;
She's got their respect too;
The only things my kids need now is more room to grow and put their possessions and more money to fund their lifestyle;
IN alot of ways, the things I've come to teach my kids I've done the best I can

But sticking around while their mother sticks the book into me is not teaching them anything positive about manhood or fatherhood;

I just don't think I'm making much of a contribution anymore
and I am certainly not having any fun;
and I am certainly not doing a whole lot of good.

What I have learned by being out of work

What I have learned by being out of work...


Denise - you are a bludger
Anneliese - you are useless
Jackson -
Georgia -
Cooper -

So what do I do this for?
For what?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The disaster you're likely to have

Emergency preparedness

Civil defense was done away with when the Federal Emergency Act

Sunday, April 17, 2011

best business stories

last week
(get a list)
last month
last year
last decade

women fight for equality yes...but don't destroy your men..with no ying..there can be no yang...

Women - you get nowhere by pushing men putting your man downward.
after all
they are not only
your bed partners
they are your sons
your brothers
your network of friends
your fathers
your step fathers
your co workers

Bullying the professional way

getting more "out", putting less "in"
it's all about shareholder value and my bonus package

process control
risk management
comms. strategy
perf. mgt.

Pulling together One giant 'gig'

Employees no more
Offices no more
Big IT costs no more

men cheating is not news

men cheating is not news
why they cheat is important to know

is it true that if they get enough at home, they won't stray?
or will they stray less?

is it about preserving their veneer of youthful virility?

is it so they can prove they still can attract women?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wisdom of my elders

What we should be learning by watching these veterans of life, love, tragedy

Columbus, Yuri Gragarin, and me....

What I have in common with these great men...

In the end, we are our achievements

One big pack or One big herd

Why the world is prone to a path of mutually assured destruction

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This business of being a Dad

I don't think it's about "how to"...

how to "this"
how to "that"

It's about knowing what is good or best or better and modelling it

Situational Dad-“ing”

The ideal
The power of presence



Pre birth

Post birth

The ideal
The power of presence



Pre birth

The ideal

The power of presence




The ideal



Post birth

Being a dad is not science
There is no right or wrong

The truth about parenthood today

Parents are too concerned about correctness and that inhibits their ability to give their kids the freedom to fall down, scrap a knee, or worse.